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The Dodgers have a pretty rich history with Japanese pitchers. Many Asian players prefer the West Coast, and the Dodgers have both a lot of money and great tradition, making them an obvious destination for Japanese players.
Nomo was a pioneer for Japanese baseball. Nomo retired from Japanese baseball, making him a free agent — and eventually signed a $2 million contract with the Dodgers. Across two stints with the Dodgers, Nomo went 81-66 with a 3.74 ERA and an 8.9 K/9. He was a trailblazer who helped paved the way for his fellow countrymen to come over to MLB. Nomo is a very important figure not just in Dodgers history, but baseball history in general.
野茂は日本野球界にとってパイオニアだ。日本プロ野球を任意引退扱いとなり渡米、ドジャースと200万ドルで契約した。ドジャースには2つの時期に渡って所属し、81勝66敗 防御率3.74 K/9は8.9 (※K/9 9イニングあたりの奪三振数)を記録。野茂は、その後のメジャーリーグに挑戦する者たちのために、自ら先駆者となった。野茂はドジャース球団のみならず、野球の歴史上、非常に重要な人物だ。
Prior to the 2002 season, the Dodgers signed Ishii to a four-year contract worth $12.3 million following his successful 10-season stint with the Tokyo Yakult Swallows. Ishii went 36-25 with a 4.30 ERA in three years with Los Angeles, and following one season with the Mets,
2002年ドジャースは、ヤクルトスワローズで10シーズン活躍した石井と、4年1230万ドルで契約。石井はドジャースに3シーズン所属し、36勝25敗 防御率4.30 を記録。その後1シーズンをメッツで過ごした。
He signed with the Dodgers prior to the 2003 season. Kida, 34 at the time, was involved in a serious car accident during spring training in 2003, delaying the start to his season. He appeared in three games with the Dodgers late in 2003, and then another three in 2004 before being released.
Saito’s transition from Japan to MLB came with zero fanfare. In fact, it was something of a last resort. Saito had gone 11-13 with a 4.65 ERA with the Yokohama Bay Stars from 2003-05 and had lost his rotation spot. Dodgers took a leap of faith, offering Saito a minor league contract with an invite to spring training. Saito was 36 years old at the time, but he then became one of the most dominant relievers in baseball. He had a 1.95 ERA with 81 saves in his three seasons with the team.
斎藤は、全く期待されずにメジャーリーグにやってきた。事実、その挑戦は野球選手として燃え尽きる場所を探しているかのようだった。斎藤は渡米する前の3年間(2003~05年)、横浜ベイスターズで11勝13敗 防御率4.65という成績で、先発ローテーションの座を失っていた。ドジャースは斎藤に対し、(賭けのようなかたちで)マイナー契約し、春季キャンプに招待。斎藤は当時36歳だったが、その後メジャー屈指のリリーフ投手として活躍。3年間ドジャースに所属し、防御率1.95 81セーブを記録した。
Kuroda, who was 33 when he joined the Dodgers, had spent the first 11 seasons of his career with the Hiroshima Carp. Kuroda left the Carp as a free agent and signed a three-year, $35.3 million contract with the Dodgers. Kuroda went 41-46 in four years with the Dodgers — he re-signed with the team following the 2010 season — despite a rock solid 3.45 ERA.
黒田がドジャースに加入した当時、年齢は33歳。11シーズン広島東洋カープで過ごし、FAとなり3年3530万ドルで契約。黒田はドジャースに4年間在籍し、通算41勝46敗 防御率3.45 という堅実な成績を残した。2010年シーズン終了後、(3年契約満了により)ドジャースと再契約(単年)を結んでいる。
出典:CBS Sports Kenta Maeda adds to Dodgers’ rich history of Japanese pitchers By Mike Axisa